
Recently, I watched a  webinar presented by the Beverly Hills Bar Association entitled “Unraveling Bias: Understanding Human Decision Making” by  Denise Peterson, FCIArb, Attorney, Mediator, and Arbitrator and Adjunct Clinical Professor at South Texas College of Law. After defining “implicit bias” as “…attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions, [Read More]

By |December 16th, 2022|Bias|

Ethical Fading

I came across an article on negotiation ethics that intrigued me because I am co-teaching ADR Ethics at USC Gould School of Law this semester.   Typically, before I discuss the topic of mediation ethics with my students, I delve into the topic of “negotiation ethics” in general. The article, entitled [Read More]

By |October 19th, 2018|Research|
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