Too Much Information May Be Bad

Often in negotiating, a party may make a monetary demand without providing any reasoning behind it. I have often found that such a tactic does not work well because the other party will ask me “why”. She wants to know the reasoning behind the monetary demand.   So- I return to [Read More]

By |March 10th, 2017|Research|

Emotions Do Carryover

I saw a blog on the Program on Negotiation (PON) at Harvard Law School’s web page written by its staff (January 12, 2017) entitled “How Mood Affects Negotiators”. It caught my attention because I had just witnessed this effect in two of my mediations. Recently, I held two mediations on [Read More]

By |January 27th, 2017|Negotiation Strategy|

Penny Wise – Pound Foolish

Although as a full time neutral, I usually get paid for mediating, as a way to give back to the community, I am on various state and federal court mediator panels in which parties can utilize my services for a certain number of hours on a pro bono basis or [Read More]

By |December 15th, 2016|Mediations|

Emotions Control

Recently, I stumbled across an interesting study published online by the ABA Journal (aka American Bar Association Journal). Researchers discovered that when the LSU Tigers unexpectedly lose a football game, the juvenile judges take their anger/frustration at the loss out on the juveniles before them by imposing longer sentences. (“Louisiana [Read More]

By |September 16th, 2016|Research|

Bring Them Cake!

This blog may not have much to do with mediation but has everything to do with conflict resolution. It is a tribute to Nathanial (Nat) Pollack- my father in law – who passed away suddenly (of a heart attack) on August 13, 2016. My father in law had an extraordinary [Read More]

By |August 26th, 2016|Negotiating|

Are We Our Own Worst Enemies?

Recently, I came across a report from the Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation entitled “Salary Negotiations”.   (HLS_PON_FR_SalaryNeg_V03_031416_wf  ) While it focuses on negotiating the best salary possible, some of its points are equally applicable to negotiations in general. In one of the articles, the authors make three important points: “(1) [Read More]

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