If you are going to mediate, be happy!

Long ago, I learned that outside events can affect a person’s mood at mediation. One example is traffic- fighting traffic to get to a mediation on time will affect the negotiation process. For this reason,  I try to schedule mediations after rush hour so at least the parties are not [Read More]

By |October 25th, 2019|Research|

Negotiation Strategy 101!

  I recently read a blog post entitled, How To Make Decisions Like a Leader in 2019 appearing on the Leadership Freak website.  While the article talks in terms of making decisions as a leader, its strategies apply equally well to any negotiation. For example, first and foremost, the author [Read More]

By |February 22nd, 2019|Negotiation|

Who Is Gonna Build the Fence?

In  a recent blog, Tammy Lenski discusses, “ 4 Handy Principles for Deciding When You Can’t Agree”. Considering the present national situation, I found the blog very timely and cannot resist sharing. But, to take it out of politics, let’s use an example. Suppose Jack and Jill are neighbors. Jill [Read More]

By |January 11th, 2019|Conflict resolution|

Implicit Biases May Be A Good Thing!

In past blog posts, I have discussed implicit biases and how important it is to recognize their existence and to counteract them in our daily lives. Yet, there may be another and more positive way of looking at them. It is simply a question of “framing”. (See below!) A November [Read More]

By |December 21st, 2018|Research|
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