Which Option Do You Prefer?

As I have mentioned in previous blogs, I mediate an awful lot of "lemon law" cases. Frequently, the issue is whether the defendant manufacturer will "repurchase" the vehicle, or pay the plaintiff consumer a "sufficient" amount of money to entice her to keep the car, also known as a "cash [Read More]


In one of my very early blogs, I discussed the book, Beyond Reason by Daniel Shapiro and Roger Fisher. In it, they discuss five ways or core concerns to overcome emotions when negotiating. One of them is "appreciation: express appreciation of and to your adversary". (The others are affiliation, autonomy, [Read More]

By |December 19th, 2011|Negotiation Strategy|

What’s Your Generation?

The second issue of ADR Times Perspectives (Vol. 1, No. 2, Nov. 2011, hit my e-mail inbox the other day. Having enjoyed the first issue, I eagerly thumbed through this second issue and found an interesting article by Jasper Ozbirn entitled "Generational Gaps in the Workplace" (at pages 8-9.) According [Read More]

By |December 9th, 2011|Negotiation Strategy|

Those Pesky Little Words

In her Two Minute Training Tip for November 1, 2011, my colleague, Maria Simpson, Ph.D. looks at the words we use when we communicate. She points out that to be an effective negotiator - one must be careful of the pronouns she uses. "You" in any form - "you", "your" [Read More]

By |December 2nd, 2011|Negotiation Strategy|

You Must “Dance”

The other day, I found a new online magazine in my e-mail box. It was the very first edition, Vol. 1, No. 1 (October 2011) of ADR Times Perspectives on Dispute Resolution.According to the message from the Editor - Ms. Mikita Weaver - this publication started out as an interactive [Read More]

By |November 18th, 2011|News articles|
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