How You Dress Matters!

Once again, the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School has published an interesting blog by Katie Shonk (In Business Negotiations, Dress the Part, June 24, 2014) discussing what we all know but do not always think about: as part of any negotiation, one must dress the part. As she [Read More]

By |July 11th, 2014|Research|

“Good Faith”

"Good Faith"Quite often, one party accuses the other party of not negotiating in "good faith". I never gave much thought to the precise meaning of this term until I attended an entertainment law seminar in which one of the speakers mentioned that most entertainment contracts contain a clause requiring the parties to [Read More]

The Accidental Mediation

As a mediator specializing in "lemon law" cases, I work with many of the same plaintiffs' and defense counsel over and over again. They also work with each other over and over again, as well. These two points can be good... and can be bad as I quickly found out [Read More]

Preparation: It is All about Cognition

An often discussed theme in my blog has been preparation; that is, preparing for mediation, as opposed to "winging it." In previous posts, I have stressed (discussing a different reason each time) the importance of preparing for a negotiation/mediation and the dangers of "winging it."Well, as you might surmise, I [Read More]

By |December 6th, 2013|Negotiation|

Morning Morality

Today is Black Friday and with it, comes lots of shopping and negotiating for good buys. So... when is the best time to negotiate the best deal? Well, according to a study published about a month ago, people tend to be more honest and more ethical in the morning.A small [Read More]

By |November 29th, 2013|Research|
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