Are You In Awe?

Are you in awe? Probably not… but, according to a recent article in the Sunday New York Times (“Why Do We Experience Awe? “By Paul Piff and Dacher Keltner-May 24, 2015), we should be. According to research to be published in the June issue of the Journal of Personality and [Read More]

Beyond “Being Difficult”!

Recently I read an article about two lawyers assaulting each other during a deposition being conducted in the courthouse. The article, dated April 30, 2015 and printed in explains: Two attorneys were arrested and charged with simple assault on Wednesday after they got into a heated dispute that turned [Read More]

The Slippery Slope

Everyone enters into a negotiation with the intent to be honest. But- ay- that is the “rub”. One party’s (“Jane”) definition of “honesty” may be different than the other party’s (“Mary”). Why? Research has shown that one’s honesty will vary with the environment. As a March 25, 2015 blog post [Read More]

The Priming Effect of Temperature

Roaming around on the internet the other day, I stumbled across an interesting article on about the effect of temperature on our psyches. Entitled, “5 Weird Ways Cold Weather Affects Your Psyche”, the author Laura Geggel discusses different studies showing that we react differently depending upon whether a room [Read More]

By |April 10th, 2015|Research|

Time is “like-the-present”

There is an old adage, "Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?" And indeed, many of us do just that because time is a precious commodity of which there is never enough. As a result, we address the issues or tasks that are the most pressing, figuring [Read More]

By |November 14th, 2014|Research|

Did Hunger Sabotage A Mediation?

The other day, I conducted two mediations between the same plaintiff's counsel, the same defendants and their counsel. The only different party in the two mediations was the plaintiff. One mediation was to start in the morning and the next in early afternoon, figuring each would take about 3 hours. [Read More]

By |November 7th, 2014|Actual Mediations|
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