Have Faith in Another’s Honesty!

In any given mediation, I am often asked whether I think the other party is telling the “truth”, can she be  “trusted” ? et cetera. It is a hard question to answer, and I prefer to be positive and optimistic in my response by stating that I have no reason [Read More]

By |November 8th, 2019|Research|

Civility Precedes Empathy!

There can be no empathy where there is no civility. I was at a conference  recently during which one the presenters made this statement. It struck me as I had never thought about these concepts as being connected. But, indeed, they are. “Civility” is defined as “…the act of showing [Read More]

Mediating My Own Disputes

There is  an adage that a person who is her own lawyer, has a fool for a client, meaning that representing yourself is a foolish. Why? You lose perspective,  objectivity and perhaps even credibility. Based on a recent event, it seems that this adage applies to mediators as well: one [Read More]

By |May 31st, 2019|Odd stuff|

Should “Hostility” Be in my Toolbox?

The Cambridge online dictionary defines “mediator” as “…a  person who tries to end a disagreement by helping the two sides to talk about and agree on a solution.” Implied in this is that the mediator will be kind, helpful, friendly, respectful, and any other positive trait necessary to build trust and a relationship with the parties. The [Read More]

By |April 26th, 2019|News articles|
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