Back To Basics: Why Mediate?

As part of my preparation to teach a class on mediation confidentiality, I reviewed the Uniform Mediation Act with all of its comments (UMA). In doing so, it struck me that although mediation is extremely popular and common place, it would be good to remind ourselves why we should mediate [Read More]

By |October 14th, 2022|Mediation|

86,400 Seconds

Last week, I posted a blog about the shortness of our working life and whether we really want to spend it embroiled in litigation. That post reminded me of a much earlier post (dated October 1, 2007) in which I looked at time in terms of seconds in a day [Read More]

By |October 1st, 2022|Odd stuff|

Be Careful with Your Words!

The ABA published another interesting article discussing the dismissal of a third-party complaint because the parties failed to mediate as required by their contract. Entitled “Failure to Mediate Causes Dismisses of Case” by Michael  Stefanilo, Jr, the article (dated March 23,2022) highlights Rivas v CBK Lodge General Partner, LLC, U.S. [Read More]

By |July 11th, 2022|Court Cases|

A lesson learned!

Last week, I conducted a lemon law mediation which highlighted a very valuable lesson. People need to be heard, acknowledged, and told that what they are saying has merit. The plaintiff leased a luxury automobile. At one point, she brought it into the dealership after the check engine light came [Read More]

By |March 25th, 2022|Actual Mediations|

Overriding Self-determination

I will never understand why people go to mediation (and pay lots of money to a mediator) when they are not  prepared to settle. I had another one of those mediations recently that went nowhere even before it started. I knew something was amiss when I did not receive any [Read More]

By |October 29th, 2021|Actual Mediations|
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