It Happened Again!

Quite a few times in the life of this blog, I have visited the notion of preparation. I usually address it as a result of someone attending mediation not being prepared. Well... as you might guess, it happened again. I had a mediation last week where it was obvious that [Read More]

Mediation is Hard!

Mediation is Hard! Each week, The Economist prints an opinion article in its business section entitled “Bartleby”. Its January 19, 2023 piece is entitled “Why pointing fingers is unhelpful”. Its thesis is that while it is easy and quite tempting to point fingers and blame someone, it is not really [Read More]

By |February 3rd, 2023|Research|

Managing Our Own Expectations!

During a mediation, one or more parties will often bring up the topic of managing expectations- usually in reference to the other party. The discussion will be to the effect that I, as the mediator,  should go into the other conference room and have a “candid” conversation with that party  [Read More]

By |January 27th, 2023|Negotiation Strategy|

Is Mediation like Quantum Physics?

Happy New Year! I hope that everyone’s 2023 is full of joy, happiness, peace and prosperity…. and brings an end to this pandemic! Browsing the internet for inspiration, I came upon an article in Live Science concerning quantum physics entitled “Does reality exist when we’re not looking” by Paul Sutter. [Read More]

By |January 13th, 2023|Odd stuff|

Mediation is Everywhere!

As we all know, mediation has become quite popular if not ubiquitous over the last twenty years. In the 1980’s and 1990’s, it was slowly gaining acceptance; in the last twenty years, it has truly become THE alternative to litigation. (No doubt, the pandemic with its lockdowns creating the necessity [Read More]

By |December 2nd, 2022|News articles|
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