Expect The Unexpected

One of the more memorable movie lines is from Forrest Gump (1994) when Gump comments "My momma always said, "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna to get." " Mediations are like that, too; as a mediator, I never know what to expect. I [Read More]

By |February 3rd, 2012|Actual Mediations|

Attending By Telephone

Although the general consensus among neutrals is that the parties to a dispute should attend the mediation in person, at the same time, I have successfully mediated disputes in which one or more or all involved have attended by telephone. Indeed, I have conducted several mediations solely via telephone with [Read More]

By |January 20th, 2012|Actual Mediations|

Mediation Is A Mindset

What makes or breaks a successful mediation? Your mindset; that is, how you approach it. Like athletes before an event, one must "visualize" the process of mediation and its successful outcome. Create a mental (if not actual) checklist of the pertinent facts and issues and think about alternative ways to [Read More]

By |January 13th, 2012|Negotiation Strategy|

What’s Your Generation?

The second issue of ADR Times Perspectives (Vol. 1, No. 2, Nov. 2011, hit my e-mail inbox the other day. Having enjoyed the first issue, I eagerly thumbed through this second issue and found an interesting article by Jasper Ozbirn entitled "Generational Gaps in the Workplace" (at pages 8-9.) According [Read More]

By |December 9th, 2011|Negotiation Strategy|

Settlement Authority

Routinely, most local rules of court require that persons with the ultimate authority to settle a matter be physically present at a court settlement conference or mediation. While it does not take much thought to understand the rationale behind this requirement, it may take a bit more thought to appreciate [Read More]

By |November 11th, 2011|Actual Mediations|

Breaking the Rules

Mediations, like everything else in life, come in all shapes, sizes and colors. No two are the same or are ever alike. Usually, though, most of them will follow a similar pattern such that the principles of mediation will be applicable. But, every once in awhile, there is that mediation [Read More]

By |November 26th, 2010|Actual Mediations|

A Tribute to Richard Millen

In searching for a topic for this week, I reviewed my colleague Linda Bulmash’s “Negotiation Tips” published monthly by the Los Angeles County Bar. Her topic for this month is using respect and grace in negotiation. Her point: Civility, respect and grace do much towards reaching an agreement. These words [Read More]

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