“Good Faith”

"Good Faith"Quite often, one party accuses the other party of not negotiating in "good faith". I never gave much thought to the precise meaning of this term until I attended an entertainment law seminar in which one of the speakers mentioned that most entertainment contracts contain a clause requiring the parties to [Read More]

The Accidental Mediation

As a mediator specializing in "lemon law" cases, I work with many of the same plaintiffs' and defense counsel over and over again. They also work with each other over and over again, as well. These two points can be good... and can be bad as I quickly found out [Read More]

The Five Stages

In 2000, when I took my first mediation training class, my teacher discussed the five stages of loss and grief first proposed by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross in her 1969 book, On Death and Dying. The particular training course I was attending focused on divorce mediations and so the stages were relevant [Read More]

By |April 18th, 2014|Odd stuff|

“Puffing” and the California State Bar

In 2006, the American Bar Association issued an ethical opinion- ABA Formal Ethics Op. 06-439 entitled A Lawyer's Obligation of Truthfulness When Representing a Client in Negotiation: Application to Caucused Negotiation. At issue was whether an attorney has to be as truthful in a caucused mediation as she is obliged [Read More]

By |April 11th, 2014|Research|

It Helps to Listen!

It Helps to Listen!A few weeks ago, a colleague Esther C. Bleuel posted an article about hearing and listening, noting that the only thing these two concepts have in common is our two ears. As we know, "hearing" is not the same as "listening." To quote Ms. Bleuel, "...the purpose [Read More]

By |March 21st, 2014|Actual Mediations|

“Magic Words” Make the Difference

Given the pervasive use of e mail in business and in our lives in general, it is not surprising that a lot of disputes get settled via e mail. Indeed, there is a whole cottage industry including several web sites devoted to on-line dispute resolution.Consequently, a recent federal district court [Read More]

By |January 17th, 2014|Court Cases|
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