Stop and Think … Before Suing!

Californians have a reputation for being litigious; for making mountains out of mole hills. Judge Kozinski of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals minces no words on this point. A very small “tiff” got very much out of hand apparently because neither party had the courage (or common sense?) to [Read More]

By |October 2nd, 2015|Court Cases|

Mediations are supposed to be confidential… but are they really?

Previously published in the September 2015 issue of "Advocate" Magazine, Pages 44-55 The September 2015 issue of  Advocate (Journal of Consumer Attorneys Associations for Southern California) focuses  on ADR-Choice is Good.  I am privileged to contribute an article on mediation confidentiality and re-print it here. It may be found [Read More]

Appearances Really Do Matter!

We have all heard that how we appear matters: that people judge us by our appearance without even realizing it. People will look at our faces and based on what they perceive unconsciously, will decide whether we are trustworthy. A recent study confirms this link between appearance and trustworthiness. In [Read More]

By |September 4th, 2015|Research|

The Words We Use

As a mediator, I have learned to choose my words carefully. The way I phrase something will make all the difference in the world between gaining someone’s trust and angering them. The importance of wording is brought home by Kenneth Cloke in his book, The Dance of Opposites (Goodmedia Press, 2013). [Read More]

Mediation Marathon

I have mixed emotions. Why? Recently, I have conducted multiple mediations simultaneously in matters involving the same plaintiff’s counsel and defendant’s counsel. These are lemon law cases and so frequently the same plaintiff’s counsel will have multiple cases with the same defense counsel. The mediations are thus scheduled for a [Read More]

By |July 10th, 2015|Mediation|
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