Dispute Resolution 101!

My husband’s stay in the hospital has taught me a very basic lesson:  knowing how to resolve disputes is a necessary tool in every aspect of life, especially in stressful situations such as hospital stays. This may get back to the notion discussed in an earlier blog, that some medical [Read More]

By |June 29th, 2018|Odd stuff|

Emotional Triggers

My office is in downtown Los Angeles.  I usually start my mediations at 10:00 a.m. For a reason: so that the parties do not have to fight rush hour traffic to be on time (even though rush hour seems to be never ending). I have found that if people walk [Read More]

By |June 8th, 2018|Research|


Recently, I wrote about the lack of preparation. This week, I am taking that topic one step further: detachment! I had a bizarre mediation the other day. As usual it was a lemon law matter but this time it involved both the manufacturer and the dealer. Unlike many other instances, [Read More]


God, grant me the Serenity To accept the things I cannot change... Courage to change the things I can, And Wisdom to know the difference. (The Serenity Prayer) Several years ago, when my mother had severe dementia and was extremely ornery and contrary, my sister suggested that I read and [Read More]

By |May 18th, 2018|Odd stuff|

The Need For Preparation!

Several times in the past, I have discussed the need for each party to prepare for mediation for it to be successful. As you may guess, I return to this topic again because I just conducted a mediation that went nowhere fast because plaintiff was not prepared. It truly did [Read More]

An Update on Prior Disclosure.

As some of you may recall, the California Law Revision Commission issued its Tentative Recommendation late last year to create an exception to mediation confidentiality. However, the proposed statute could not find a sponsor and so never got introduced into the legislature. Instead, Senator Wieckowski introduced SB 954 on January [Read More]

By |April 27th, 2018|Legislature|

Beware of Tweets

Once again, I return to the subject of “fake news”; this time because of a recent study just published in Science on March 8, 2108.  The study- conducted by 3 MIT scholars- Soroush Vosough, Deb Roy and Sinan Aral – found that “… false news spreads more rapidly on the [Read More]

By |March 30th, 2018|Research|
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