Should “Hostility” Be in my Toolbox?

The Cambridge online dictionary defines “mediator” as “…a  person who tries to end a disagreement by helping the two sides to talk about and agree on a solution.” Implied in this is that the mediator will be kind, helpful, friendly, respectful, and any other positive trait necessary to build trust and a relationship with the parties. The [Read More]

By |April 26th, 2019|News articles|

A New Tool in my Toolbox!

The  other day I stumbled upon a tweet mentioning a “velvet hammer”. Wondering what it was, I googled the reference and came upon an article discussing its meaning and use; Why the ‘velvet hammer’ is a better way to give constructive criticism by Stephanie Vozza. Taking issue with the what [Read More]

By |April 12th, 2019|News articles|

New Disclosure Rule!

First and foremost, I would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year; I hope that it proves to be a happy, healthy and very prosperous one for each of you. As I am still recovering from the holidays, I decided to post a blog about a very big [Read More]

By |January 4th, 2019|Legislature|

Implicit Biases May Be A Good Thing!

In past blog posts, I have discussed implicit biases and how important it is to recognize their existence and to counteract them in our daily lives. Yet, there may be another and more positive way of looking at them. It is simply a question of “framing”. (See below!) A November [Read More]

By |December 21st, 2018|Research|

How Do You Negotiate?

The art of negotiation seems to be very much in the news today, with issues involving trade, tariffs, immigration, arms sales, nuclear arms, et cetera. In preparing to teach a class on negotiation ethics as part of my Mediation Ethics course at USC Gould School of Law, it dawned on [Read More]

By |November 2nd, 2018|Negotiation Strategy|

Informed Consent in Mediations Taking Place in California

Informed Consent in Mediations Taking Place in California Originally published in the Daily Journal, September 28, 2018. Download the PDF Version of the Article Here Sometimes parties attend mediation without the proper preparation. If the matter is in litigation, their attorney may not have met with them beforehand to [Read More]

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