I Am Sorry!

Apologies are hard. Many folks have a really hard time saying, “I am sorry.”  Instead, they sort of apologize  by saying something like “I am sorry it happened to you”  or “I am sorry you feel that way”  or just “Sorry.”  What most folks do not realize is that these [Read More]

By |March 15th, 2024|News articles|


In a recent post, I discussed having a hypothetical “difficult” conversation with two relatives who ignored my husband and me at a family gathering. I assumed that we had offended them in some way rather than they simply disliking us on general principles. One of the last points I made [Read More]

Reflections on the last 525,600 minutes!

The Broadway musical, "Rent" has a song entitled "Seasons of Love" which starts off by asking: Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes. Five hundred twenty five thousand moments so dear. five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes. How do you measure, Measure a year? In daylights? In [Read More]

By |December 18th, 2020|Odd stuff|

On Apologies…. Once Again!

Several times in the past, I have written on the power of an apology, including the right and wrong way to do it. When I saw an article by Jane Brody (entitled, “The Right Way to Say, ‘I’m Sorry’”) in the New York Times (January 31, 2017) discussing this topic, [Read More]

By |March 3rd, 2017|News articles|
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