You Look Like Someone I Can Trust!

When our mother was alive, she used to tell the story that about six weeks after my eldest sister was born, my mother boarded a crowded war time train with my sister in her arms to meet my father then stationed in Nebraska in the Army.  Suddenly realizing she had [Read More]

By |February 16th, 2018|Research|


The January 2012 issue of the California Lawyer contains an article about tattoos in court. As the blurb intrigued me, I read the article, entitled "Tattoos as Evidence" by Ryan Lozar (pp 37-39) (Tattoos as Evidence ) in which the author discusses the existence of a tattoo on a criminal [Read More]

By |January 27th, 2012|News articles|

Appearance Bias

Often, in a mediation, one and/or both parties tell me that they would rather go to trial than accept or pay the sum of money (or other item) being discussed as a compromise of the matter. At this point, I discuss the risks of going to trial. Sometimes I am [Read More]

By |February 11th, 2011|Research|
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