Implicit Bias in Medicine Strikes Again!

Previously, I have posted blogs about the implicit biases of doctors in treating patients. A recent article in the Science and Technology section of The Economist entitled “Fatal Truths” (April 10, 2021) at p.71-72 notes that this implicit bias also exists in medical devices and treatments. As we are all [Read More]

By |April 16th, 2021|Research|

Rethinking How We Dress!

On days that I had a mediation prior to Covid 19, I would dress the part. I would wear a pantsuit with very comfortable shoes for all the walking that I would end up doing by going back and forth between the different conference rooms. Now, during the pandemic, all [Read More]

By |November 6th, 2020|Research|

Reading Facial Expressions

It has been said that body language makes up about 55% of our communication while  our tone of voice comprises 38% and our actual verbal  words comprise  7%. ( The 7% Rule). With everyone using Zoom these days, I would suspect that facial expressions are becoming more and more important. [Read More]

By |October 30th, 2020|Research|

When To Drop Your Anchor!

No, I am not talking about sailing, but about a cognitive bias known as anchoring. “Cognitive bias” is defined as “…a systematic error in thinking that occurs when people are processing and interpreting information in the world around them and affects the decisions and judgments that they make.” ( “Anchoring“ [Read More]

By |October 16th, 2020|Research|

The Dissonance Within Us.

Some of us are in a conflict; we “…are motivated more by a desire to appear moral than to actually be moral.”(“Six Common Ways People Justify Unethical Behavior” by Juliana Breines, Ph.D. (posted August 31, 2020, Psychology Today).   Consequently, we will engage in some questionable or ambiguous ethical tactics or [Read More]

By |October 9th, 2020|Research|

Making Things up!

I was perusing the internet recently and came upon an interesting study about our memory. When recalling events, we make things up and do not even realize it. In “Eyewitness Imagination: How Our Minds Change Our Memories”, Matthew J. Sharps, Ph.D. discusses a common error in eyewitness testimony in criminal [Read More]

By |September 25th, 2020|Research|

The Illusion of Control!

Recently, I read an article in the New York Times about the illusion of control, and it struck me how very appropriate it was given the pandemic. The illusion of control  is a tendency we all have to overestimate our ability to control events. Thus, we feel or believe that [Read More]

By |July 17th, 2020|Research|

Don’t Be So Grumpy!

That is what my husband said to me a few weeks ago. Needless to say, working from home and in close quarters with hubby for more than three months and continuing does have its moments. So- on one of those days, I was grumpy. My response to him was simple, [Read More]

By |July 10th, 2020|Research|
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