But is it “fair”?

How many times have we heard the refrain,” But, it is not fair!” or “I just want to be fair about this!” Or “All I want is fairness!”  Or some similar retort? Suppose these comments arise out of a dispute between three partners: Jane, Joan and Sally. Jane put in [Read More]

BATNAs and Anchors

We are all taught that before entering into any negotiation, we should give some thought to what our best alternative is if we do not settle (that is, our Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement or BATNA.)  And along these lines, we have learned that if we have a really [Read More]

The Ultimate Hardball Tactic!

Russia has engaged in the ultimate hardball tactic: it invaded Ukraine. Watching this invasion unfold reminded me of hardball negotiations and tactics. As defined in The Business Professor,  “hardball  tactics”: …are measures used in a negotiation to set a competitive tone. It generally involves using some form or power, leverage, [Read More]

By |February 25th, 2022|Negotiation Strategy|


My husband and I have two English Springer Spaniels, one of whom (aka Buddy) loves to walk and to say “hi” to other dogs. The other day I was walking Buddy when we came across a man walking his dog and intently participating in a conversation on his cell phone. [Read More]

By |January 28th, 2022|Negotiation Strategy|

Difficult People

In Mediation Ethics: A Practitioner's Guide edited by Omer Shapira (ABA 2021), Bill Eddy contributes chapter 8 entitled "Dealing with Difficult Parties" (pp. 165-185.). Mr. Eddy defines a difficult party as “… someone who demonstrates some or all of the following in the mediation process: exaggerated emotions, adamant directives, attacking [Read More]

Too Many BATNAs

  A few weeks ago, the Harvard PONS blog posted an article outlining research findings that too many BATNAs may not be such a great thing. Entitled Negotiation Research: When Many BATNAs Are Worse than One by the PONS staff on July 22, 2021, it discusses a study by Michael [Read More]

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