The Winner’s Curse

Suppose you have a jar of coins and ask several friends to bid on the jar. The highest bid will be deemed the winner. According to Richard H. Thaler ( "Anomalies: The Winner's Curse published inThe Journal of Economic Perspectives ( Volume 2, Issue 1)(Winter 1988) at pp. 191-202), (Thaler [Read More]

Fairness: It Is All About Perception

Recently, I wrote about a new study on fairness in monkeys. (another-study-on-fairness ) "Fairness" seems to be a popular topic as my colleague Linda Bulmash in her One Minute Negotiation Tipspublished by the Los Angeles County Bar, (Volume VI, Number 2, February 2013) (Busmash) takes up the topic of "Defining [Read More]

By |February 22nd, 2013|Negotiation Strategy|

When Should I Mediate?

Recently, someone asked me, "When should I mediate my dispute? Should I wait until the lawsuit is filed? Should I wait until depositions are taken or motions for summary judgment are filed and/or heard? When IS a good time to mediate?" To me, it is always a good time to [Read More]

By |November 30th, 2012|Negotiation Strategy|

Improv and Negotiation

Recently, I read an article posted on the Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation's website discussing the similarity of improvisation and negotiation. (Improv pp.4-8.) In both, one must be quick on her feet- ready for anything at any moment. In both, one must be ready "... to seize unexpected opportunities [Read More]

By |October 26th, 2012|Negotiation Strategy|

Its All In The Delivery

One of the major tools in a mediator's toolbox is "persuasion." Either through training, experience and/or intuition, a mediator learns tactics that can be used to "persuade" a party to compromise and settle a dispute. My friend and colleague, Maria Simpson Ph.D., defines "persuasion" as ". . .helping people agree [Read More]

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