( John Nash died  on May 23, 2015 in an automobile accident. He was a mathematician who won the Nobel Prize for his  Nash equilibrium.  While, initially,  one  may think that such a theory has nothing to do with resolving disputes, to the contrary, it has everything to do with negotiation and [Read More]

Insuring Settlement

A colleague (Esther Bleuel) recently shared a quote by Benjamin Franklin: “Failing to Prepare is Preparing to Fail.” Recently, the Los Angeles Daily Journal published an article by Larry Mills entitled, How Counsel can make or break a settlement. (April 3, 2015- page 2 of Verdicts and Settlements). In essence, [Read More]

Listening For the Emotions

Have you ever attempted to calm down an emotional person? Our natural inclination is to deny the emotional content of what the speaker is saying by using logic and/or facts such as, "There is no reason to get upset", "Calm down", "You are over-reacting", "You have misunderstood", "Maybe it is [Read More]

“Good Faith”

"Good Faith"Quite often, one party accuses the other party of not negotiating in "good faith". I never gave much thought to the precise meaning of this term until I attended an entertainment law seminar in which one of the speakers mentioned that most entertainment contracts contain a clause requiring the parties to [Read More]

What is your S.W.O.T.?

A few months ago, I attended a board of directors meeting of the SCMA Education Foundation. At the meeting, the president started talking about "S.W.O.T. Analysis". Not having majored in business, I had no clue to what she was referencing.I have since learned; S. W.O.T. stands for "Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities [Read More]

By |November 15th, 2013|Negotiation Strategy|
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