Culture -It Is All Around Us!

One of the last topics I discussed in my ADR Ethics class this semester was mediating multiculturally. In her book, Mediation Ethics: Cases and Commentaries (Jossey-Bass  2011), Ellen Waldman quotes a definition of culture as “the whole complex of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features that characterize a society [Read More]

By |November 15th, 2019|Negotiation, Uncategorized|

Negotiation Strategy 101!

  I recently read a blog post entitled, How To Make Decisions Like a Leader in 2019 appearing on the Leadership Freak website.  While the article talks in terms of making decisions as a leader, its strategies apply equally well to any negotiation. For example, first and foremost, the author [Read More]

By |February 22nd, 2019|Negotiation|

Beyond “Being Difficult”!

Recently I read an article about two lawyers assaulting each other during a deposition being conducted in the courthouse. The article, dated April 30, 2015 and printed in explains: Two attorneys were arrested and charged with simple assault on Wednesday after they got into a heated dispute that turned [Read More]

The Slippery Slope

Everyone enters into a negotiation with the intent to be honest. But- ay- that is the “rub”. One party’s (“Jane”) definition of “honesty” may be different than the other party’s (“Mary”). Why? Research has shown that one’s honesty will vary with the environment. As a March 25, 2015 blog post [Read More]

Preparation: It is All about Cognition

An often discussed theme in my blog has been preparation; that is, preparing for mediation, as opposed to "winging it." In previous posts, I have stressed (discussing a different reason each time) the importance of preparing for a negotiation/mediation and the dangers of "winging it."Well, as you might surmise, I [Read More]

By |December 6th, 2013|Negotiation|

Are you a Nervous Negotiator?

Do you have sweaty palms and a churning stomach whenever you have to negotiate something? Or, are you as cool as a cucumber during such events. A recent study indicates that your nervousness or lack of it affects the outcome of your negotiations.A blog by Katie Shonk posted on October [Read More]

By |October 18th, 2013|Negotiation|
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