An Apology Can Do Wonders

Last week, I conducted a mediation in which the Plaintiff was quite angry at what had happened to her. As I learned, she owns an auto body repair shop. Someone had brought a vehicle in for repair. However, that person abandoned the vehicle, never coming to pick it up. So, [Read More]

By |October 27th, 2012|Actual Mediations|

Anchoring and Fairness

Two weeks ago, I posted a blog about "cognitive bias". As explained on, "a cognitive bias is any of a wide range of observer effects identified in cognitive science and social psychology...that are common to all human beings." I recently conducted a mediation in which I saw one of [Read More]

By |September 20th, 2012|Actual Mediations|

A Wasted Opportunity

I had a mediation recently that epitomized a wasted opportunity. It lasted only an hour and did not settle. Why? Plaintiff's counsel had not done the necessary preparatory work. It was a wrongful termination action against one of the cities here in the Los Angeles area. At no time prior [Read More]


Recently, I had a sexual harassment employment mediation. Prior to the mediation and based on the briefs, I figured it was going to be either a very short mediation (i.e., the case would not settle) or a very long one (i.e. the case would either settle or almost settle). The [Read More]

Which Option Do You Prefer?

As I have mentioned in previous blogs, I mediate an awful lot of "lemon law" cases. Frequently, the issue is whether the defendant manufacturer will "repurchase" the vehicle, or pay the plaintiff consumer a "sufficient" amount of money to entice her to keep the car, also known as a "cash [Read More]


"Multi-tasking" took on a whole new meaning for me the other day when I conducted two mediations simultaneously, i.e. at the same time! Sounds strange, doesn't it? It came about at the last minute. I already had one scheduled for the morning. During the previous afternoon, defense counsel telephoned to [Read More]

By |February 24th, 2012|Actual Mediations|

The Power Of An Apology

It is often said that the smaller the amount in dispute, the harder it is to settle the matter. I agree. . . having just experienced such a mediation. The matter was on appeal. The parties wanted to mediate before the opening brief was due in the hopes of settling [Read More]

By |February 17th, 2012|Actual Mediations|
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