Mediation Blog
“Tripping Over the Truth”
I recently finished reading The Power of Moments by Chip Heath and Dan Heath (Simon &Schuster, New York 2017) for an upcoming book club discussion. The authors note that we spend the bulk of [Read More]
“Noise” is not Bias!
I learned a new term recently: noise. Not “noise” as in a room full of people talking loudly, but “noise” as opposed to “bias”. Whereas “bias” is defined as errors in judgement, “noise” is defined [Read More]
Imbalance of Power!
Implicit in every negotiation is the question of who holds the power? “Power” is the “… respective abilit[y] of each person in the relationship to influence each other and to direct the relationship.” ( This [Read More]
Less is More Despite Loss Aversion!
In 1979, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, in creating their Prospect Theory, developed the important cognitive bias concept of loss aversion. It is summed up in the saying “losses loom larger than gains.” That [Read More]
It ‘s Tough To Negotiate by Email!
I do not know about you, but I have been emailing much much more over the last thirteen months than in pre-Covid days. And, with this increase has come attempts to negotiate by e mail. [Read More]
Interpersonal Skills
The end of the semester is drawing near in my online employment mediation dispute class. The theme of the last discussion board is reflective: what three things has each student learned from or skills developed [Read More]