Mediation Blog
A Fine Line Between Settlement Demands and Extortion!
No doubt, many of us have encountered the aggressive negotiator who in a distributive bargaining zero-sum situation makes an “outrageous” settlement demand in the hopes of acquiring as much of the pie as possible. Our [Read More]
Perhaps the Eyewitness is Correct!
In various blogs throughout the years, I have discussed the unreliability of eyewitness testimony and of misidentification. However, an article in the Science and Technology section of The Economist (February 24, 2022) entitled “First Impressions”, [Read More]
Cookie: When Trust is Absent.
In a Parable of Trust, I discussed how our dog- Buddy- has come to trust us so much that my husband was able to groom him without having to use a muzzle or render him [Read More]
The Ultimate Hardball Tactic!
Russia has engaged in the ultimate hardball tactic: it invaded Ukraine. Watching this invasion unfold reminded me of hardball negotiations and tactics. As defined in The Business Professor, “hardball tactics”: …are measures used in a [Read More]
Body Language on Zoom!
Have you ever considered that everything we know about body language and non-verbal communication does not really apply in a video conference call? I certainly had not. In the Bartleby commentary in the business section [Read More]
A Parable about Trust!
In recent blogs, I have discussed the importance of trust, rapport and reciprocity in resolving disputes. Something happened recently that highlights the importance of trust and rapport. Surprisingly, it has to do with one of [Read More]