Mediation Blog
How To Sabotage a Mediation!
Most people attend mediation, fully engaged and committed to the process, hoping to resolve a matter. However, there are some who attend mediation with no real desire to settle, despite their outward claims. I had [Read More]
You Cannot Rush the Process!
The Presidential election reminded me of mediation: in both, one can not rush the process. Any attempts to do result in failure. Approximately, 107 days ago, President Biden withdrew as the democratic nominee and suggested [Read More]
Technology Impedes Trust!
Imagine you are having coffee with a friend in a coffee shop. You are sitting across from each other for about ten minutes. Where is your phone? On the table? In your hand? Out of [Read More]
Corroborating Evidence
Several weeks ago, I noted that I had just finished reading a book for our book club—The Catalyst: How to Change Anyone’s Mind by Jonah Berger (Simon & Shuster Paperbacks, New York (2020)) (“Catalyst”). The [Read More]
Recently, I noted that I had just finished reading a book for our book club—The Catalyst: How to Change Anyone’s Mind by Jonah Berger (Simon & Shuster Paperbacks, New York (2020)) (“Catalyst”). The book's thesis [Read More]
It is All A Matter of Perspective!
I have a dog named Buddy. He bit me! OUCH! We were walking around a lake, and he spotted a dead fish that one of the birds had taken from the lake and then discarded [Read More]