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About Phyllis Pollack

Phyllis G. Pollack, Esq. the principal of PGP Mediation, has been a mediator in Los Angeles, California since 2000. She has conducted over 2,000 mediations. As an attorney with more than 40 years experience, she utilizes her diverse background to resolve business, commercial, international trade, real estate, employment and lemon law disputes at both the state and federal trial and state appellate court levels. Read more of Phyllis' accomplishments here: https://www.pgpmediation.com/phyllis-g-pollack-biography/

Who Is Gonna Build the Fence?

In  a recent blog, Tammy Lenski discusses, “ 4 Handy Principles for Deciding When You Can’t Agree”. Considering the present national situation, I found the blog very timely and cannot resist sharing. But, to take it out of politics, let’s use an example. Suppose Jack and Jill are neighbors. Jill [Read More]

By |January 11th, 2019|Conflict resolution|

New Disclosure Rule!

First and foremost, I would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year; I hope that it proves to be a happy, healthy and very prosperous one for each of you. As I am still recovering from the holidays, I decided to post a blog about a very big [Read More]

By |January 4th, 2019|Legislature|

Implicit Biases May Be A Good Thing!

In past blog posts, I have discussed implicit biases and how important it is to recognize their existence and to counteract them in our daily lives. Yet, there may be another and more positive way of looking at them. It is simply a question of “framing”. (See below!) A November [Read More]

By |December 21st, 2018|Research|

It’s All About Trust!

Recently, I wrote a blog about an almost mediation that was cancelled at the last moment because the attorney representing one party was not going to be present but sending a substitute instead. While the theme of that blog was that the parties lost a valuable opportunity to settle, there [Read More]

By |December 14th, 2018|Research|

Every Dispute is Two Disputes.

Several weeks ago, I attended the annual fall conference of the Southern California Mediation Association (SCMA).   While all the sessions were very good, one of them on emotional intelligence (presented by Harold Coleman, Jr. Esq, Debra Dupree MFT, Psy.D., and Matt Argue, Esq. entitled “The Modern Mediator: Interplay of Psychology [Read More]

By |November 27th, 2018|Mediations, Uncategorized|

Happy Thanksgiving !!!!

Once again, Thanksgiving is upon us. Last year- 2017- I posted the blog below which I believe is as relevant today as it was last year. So, I would like to share it again. And.... again I want to thank each of you for such a great year. I  deeply [Read More]

By |November 16th, 2018|Odd stuff|
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