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About Phyllis Pollack

Phyllis G. Pollack, Esq. the principal of PGP Mediation, has been a mediator in Los Angeles, California since 2000. She has conducted over 2,000 mediations. As an attorney with more than 40 years experience, she utilizes her diverse background to resolve business, commercial, international trade, real estate, employment and lemon law disputes at both the state and federal trial and state appellate court levels. Read more of Phyllis' accomplishments here: https://www.pgpmediation.com/phyllis-g-pollack-biography/

An Implicit Bias with Deadly Consequences!

I was watching Grey's Anatomy the other night when an implicit bias crept into the story. One patient was a black woman in need of a kidney transplant. She explained to her new doctor that she did not qualify for a transplant because her algorithm used to determine qualification for [Read More]

By |October 15th, 2021|Bias|

Difficult People

In Mediation Ethics: A Practitioner's Guide edited by Omer Shapira (ABA 2021), Bill Eddy contributes chapter 8 entitled "Dealing with Difficult Parties" (pp. 165-185.). Mr. Eddy defines a difficult party as โ€œโ€ฆ someone who demonstrates some or all of the following in the mediation process: exaggerated emotions, adamant directives, attacking [Read More]

Macro Ethics and Micro Ethics

I always thought ethics was ethics. But evidently, there are two types: macro ethics and micro ethics. According to Wikipedia, Macro ethics is a term that was coined in the 20th century "โ€ฆ to distinguish large-scale issues from individual ethics or micro ethics. It is a type of applied ethics". [Read More]

By |October 1st, 2021|Research|

The Mediator as a Choice Architect.

One of the most important aspects of mediation is self-determination. Standard 1 of the Model Standards of Conduct for Mediation is entitled "Self-Determination." It provides that a mediator shall conduct a mediation based on self-determination which it defines as the "act of coming to a voluntary uncoerced decision in which [Read More]

By |September 24th, 2021|Research|

A Conflict of Interest

Mediators are supposed to avoid conflicts of interest. According to Standard III of the Model Standards of Conduct for Mediators (2005): โ€ฆ[a] conflict of interest can arise from involvement by a mediator with the subject matter of the dispute or from any relationship between the mediator with the subject matter [Read More]

By |September 17th, 2021|Actual Mediations|

How Do You Define “Ethics?”

In a recent post, I discussed a book I just finished reading, The Power of Ethics by Susan Liautaud (Simon and Schuster, New York, NY 2021). While Professor Liautaud made many interesting points, her definition of "ethics" caught my attention: "For centuries, we have shared common expectations of how we [Read More]

By |September 3rd, 2021|Research|

Making Ethical Decisions

A few weeks ago, I went into a bookstore to look around and possibly buy some books to read during my work-from-home stint. I stumbled across The Power of Ethics by Susan Liautuad (Simon & Shuster, New York, NY, 2021) and could not resist buying it: it may provide some [Read More]

By |August 27th, 2021|Research|
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