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About Phyllis Pollack

Phyllis G. Pollack, Esq. the principal of PGP Mediation, has been a mediator in Los Angeles, California since 2000. She has conducted over 2,000 mediations. As an attorney with more than 40 years experience, she utilizes her diverse background to resolve business, commercial, international trade, real estate, employment and lemon law disputes at both the state and federal trial and state appellate court levels. Read more of Phyllis' accomplishments here: https://www.pgpmediation.com/phyllis-g-pollack-biography/

Be Careful with Your Words!

The ABA published another interesting article discussing the dismissal of a third-party complaint because the parties failed to mediate as required by their contract. Entitled “Failure to Mediate Causes Dismisses of Case” by Michael  Stefanilo, Jr, the article (dated March 23,2022) highlights Rivas v CBK Lodge General Partner, LLC, U.S. [Read More]

By |July 11th, 2022|Court Cases|

Justice and Fairness

For an upcoming book club discussion, I am reading Master of the Game: Henry Kissinger and the Art of Middle East Diplomacy by Martin Indyk (Alfred K. Knopf, New York 2021). While I have a lot more reading to do to finish the book, I was struck by a passage [Read More]

A Big Piece of Pie!

I had a strange mediation last week. Neither side submitted briefs, and so I was in the dark about what the mediation was about other than an automobile. The mediation was conducted by telephone. I called plaintiff’s counsel and after introducing myself, the first thing counsel asked was whether she [Read More]

Ethical Fading

The American Bar Association recently posted an article in its ABA Weekly Newsletter (May 27,2022)  about a patient signing an agreement with a hospital acknowledging that she will be charged $1300 for surgery but then being billed about $230,000.  The Colorado Supreme Court ruled that the signed agreement prevailed; because [Read More]

But is it “fair”?

How many times have we heard the refrain,” But, it is not fair!” or “I just want to be fair about this!” Or “All I want is fairness!”  Or some similar retort? Suppose these comments arise out of a dispute between three partners: Jane, Joan and Sally. Jane put in [Read More]


We all love a delightful story. And stories are important in negotiating and resolving disputes. This point was eloquently made by Dr. Joshua N. Weiss in Harvard’s Program on Negotiation, “The Sunday Minute” (April 17, 2022): At their best, stories create a sense of connection, build trust, allow the listener [Read More]

By |May 13th, 2022|Negotiating|

Beware of Email Agreements!

The American Bar Association published a story warning us all to be careful about settling by email. It recited the case of Philadelphia  Ins. Indemnity Co. v Kendall decided by the Supreme Court of the State of New York Appellate Division, First Judicial Department, Case No. 2020-02752, Appeal No. 13756 [Read More]

By |May 6th, 2022|Court Cases|
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