Earlier this week, I was preparing for one of my classes by reading the next chapter in the textbook. Although the chapter discusses basic negotiation strategy, it mentions the term “Boulwarism,” which intrigued me.

It is named after General Electric vice president Lemuel Boulware, who used the “take-it-or-leave-it” tactic in collective bargaining without further concession or negotiation. The first, opening, and only offer is an ultimatum. It would usually be made only after the offering person checked all relevant details, including competing prices or similar industry pricing or standards. And it would not change unless new information became known.

Imagine you are negotiating, and the other side conveys an offer that is her first, last, and final, or a Boulwarism. How would you feel?

If you are like most people, you are suspicious. Does the other person know something that I do not? You think to yourself,” This is coming too easily.” “What is she hiding?” You feel cheated. You do not trust this person and definitely feel that she is not negotiating in good faith or “honestly.”

You also feel angry and frustrated. You want to “dance,” and the other person does not. You want to make offers and concessions so that at the end of the negotiation, you feel that you have earned it and, more importantly, that you have left nothing on the table.

If the offering party sticks to the opening offer as the final offer, the negotiation may end before it begins. And the other party walks away feeling bitter and offended. If, however, the offering party softens up and agrees to negotiate, even on the “ploy” that “new information” has suddenly become available or that circumstances have” changed,” that person has lost credibility; she is not to be trusted and cannot be viewed as being honest.

So, while Boulwarism may be a lawful tactic, it is quite aggressive and can definitely backfire!

… Just something to think about.


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